Viljamovka pear
There are numerous famous pear sorts, but we only use Viljamovka, due to its recognizable aroma, and no other pear. Viljamovka contains a higher percentage of sugar, and lower acidity share. It is characterized by a huge number of aromatic ingredients, making this type of rakija very popular in our region.
Pear of luxurious fragrance
Viljamovka rakija
Megdan rakija from Viljamovka pear, produced under controlled fermentation conditions, with dominant fragrance of ideally ripe fruits, of juicy, harmonious lasting flavor. The production process of Viljamovka rakija is as complex as that of the quince. It may take as long as four weeks between the moment of picking and the moment of processing. During that time we must remove problematic fruits. The moment the room containing Viljamovka develops an intensive odour and the fruit becomes breakable by hand, it enters the pomace. Viljamovka aroma, fragrance and flavor is provided primarily by a quality and ideally ripe fruit, controlled processing and quality pot still.
Our Viljamovka rakija has beautiful, dominant aroma, is harmonious and balanced. Alcohol percentage is cca. 40%.